Great preparation by itself is insufficient. A company must also have knowledgeable and experienced painters. Our painters are at the top of their trade and skilled in all aspects of painting. They are full-time year round painters. Our painting crews are able to get the job done on time while also providing a professional finish that will preserve and beautify your business.
At O’Donnell Contracting, Inc. we have the right tools for the right job. We will gladly discuss different paints, their brands and types with you. Our company only uses professional paint coatings. We specialize in all paint finishes.
O’Donnell Contracting, Inc. has been committed to serving Nevada's Commercial, Industrial, HOA, and Residential communities. We have built a solid reputation for giving quality work. We complete a neat and professional job in a timely manner. We are licensed in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Clark County, Mesquite, Henderson, Pahrump, and Boulder City.
We strive to make all of my customers happy! Please see our references for a list of satisfied customers.
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