House Painting is about much more than just paint. It has the power to dramatically alter the mood and feeling of a space. The right colors can transform a room to a place you want to be. Colors can be an outward reflection of your inward hopes, dreams, interests and personality. As house painters at Five Star Painting, we understand the importance of your paint job and we know how to do it right. We’re clean, on time, on budget, locally owned and operated, and we know color. You don’t have to pay a five star price for five star quality.
Час Открытие
closed_now- Понедельник : 09:00 AM-09:00 AM
- Вторник : 09:00 AM-09:00 AM
- среда : 09:00 AM-09:00 AM
- : 09:00 AM-09:00 AM
- Пятница : 09:00 AM-09:00 AM
- Суббота : 09:00 AM-09:00 AM
- Воскресенье : 09:00 AM-09:00 AM
, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89149, USA
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Получить направлениеАдрес | , Las Vegas, Nevada, 89149, USA |
Веб-сайт | http://www.fivestarpainting.com/ |
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